

Contact Willingham Funeral Service to choose from a selection of customised memorials.

Customised headstones and memorials

It may not always be easy to determine what your future memorial requirements may be. If there is an existing memorial, it may be necessary to remove the headstone from the grave prior to the funeral. After the funeral has taken place, we advise you to wait for a couple of months. Depending on the condition of the ground, the grave will finally be ready to take the headstone. During this period, we recommend that the monumental masons remove the memorial back to their premises for safe keeping. This can also reduce costs in the long run should the memorial require additional inscriptions.
Memorial Specialists

A final gift

A memorial is essentially a lasting symbol of remembrance and a tribute to a life that has now ended, and a final gift for a dear one.

The stonemasons at Willingham Funeral Service can provide a memorial that best reflects your loved one's personality. We can provide a bespoke memorial that you'll cherish.

We can provide:

  • Traditional churchyard memorials
  • Highly polished granite
  • Small cremation tablets
  • Personalised headstones
Take a look at our costs and disbursements.
All memorials that we make are subject to permission from the relevant churchyard or cemetery. As certain restrictions may apply with regard to the type of stone allowed and the design, we'll make the necessary enquiries and advise you accordingly.
Willingham Funeral Service provides a wide selection of memorials and headstones. Call us on
 01954 261 999
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